Our Mission

Love God, Love People, Make Disciples for Jesus Christ

Christ United Methodist Church – Franklin PA

The Mission of Christ United Methodist Church is to “Love God, Love People, Make Disciples for Jesus Christ.”  The Core Values which guide its people in living into this mission have been formed around seven principle disciplines found in Acts 2: 42-47, which provides a snapshot of the life and common ministry of the early church. In their cooperative relationship, they worshiped together regularly, and they devoted themselves to the observance of prayer, study, and fellowship. Therefore, the Core Values of Christ Church are the following:


  • Passionate Worship that targets encounter with God.
  • Persistent Prayer that connects people to God and directs all that we do.
  • Multi-Generational Discipleship: children, youth and adults learning and living God’s Word.
  • Deep Fellowship that fosters caring and supportive relationships.
  • Servant Evangelism:  meeting the needs of others so that others can meet Jesus.
  • Extravagant Generosity:  giving that mirrors the generosity of God.
  • Cooperative Ministry that results in a kingdom vision for a cooperative United Methodist  presence in Franklin.